Delta Campaign

Alexander walked to the nearest city, Silverhaven. The city was of large enough size to support more than one magic-users' shop, several guilds, and so on. He bought the requisite spell components, and began identifying the things he was carrying.

Alexander quickly discovered that two of the books he had discovered in the kobold's library were manuals, that if followed, would train the reader in different ways. He was able to sell one of the books for nearly thirty-thousand gold, which he immediately spent for the materials to make some wands. The other book he donated to his god, Boccob.

Alexander sent a message to Terinyo, and then put forth the effort to create two wands of fireball. One of these he sold to the local mage's guild, nearly recouping his costs for creating them in the first place. He then spent most of his remaining funds buying some wands of healing. Paying for a coach, he headed back to Terinyo.

After a full day's non-stop travel, his coach approached a keep on the Western side of the mountains. There, a gate guard ordered the driver and all occupants to pay a toll for passage. Alexander realized that the toll was higher than he had been told, but kept his mouth shut and paid anyway. The coach driver, however, began to argue with the gate guard. Alexander sat back and enjoyed the show until the gate guard told the driver that he would land up in the holding cell unless he stopped arguing and paid the toll.

The driver paid the toll, mumbling about losing money because of the toll change with no warning, and drove the coach through the mountains into Terinyo. Once in Terinyo, Alexander quickly hurried to the Copper Dragon, eager to meet up with the remainder of the party. The party welcomed Alexander back, then immediately told him to go get a bath, as his time on the road made him stink to the high heavens.

The next day, the group met again in the common room, and began identifying their new-found loot. After some time, they split up the magic items, sold what they didn't want or need, and split up the gold - over three-thousand for each member! George and Dimble went on their way, leaving just Alexander, 'Cyn, Rick, Bob, and Goth. The five rested up, drinking ale and eating good food, all of which had been sorely missed in their latest adventure.

Outside, the sky began to get cloudy and a strong wind began to blow. Just as the rain began to fall, the doors blow open and a woman enterered the inn. The woman was beautiful - quite exotic-looking, with sun-bronzed skin, and reddish-blonde hair that has dark tips. Her triangular face was accentuated by green eyes, a somewhat pointy nose, and a full mouth with red lips.

Alexander looked towards the woman, thinking that the gods must have been watching his dreams, as this woman was among them. He noticed that she looked somewhat sad and fearful. As she approached, both Alexander and 'Cyn noticed that she smelled slightly of the sea. The woman waited patiently until the party acknoledged her, and then began to speak.

"Sirs and ma'am," she began, "I am looking for the group that has captured the bandits and vanquished the kobolds from the northern parts of this area. I have heard much about them, are you they?"

"That's some of us," said Alexander, "our group has changed much over time. Can we be of help?"

"I hope so," she replied with a quiver in her voice, "My daughter seems to be lost, and I could use some help finding her."

"Lost?" asked Rick, "How so?"

The woman replied, "She was to travel here from Silverhaven. She was coming by coach, and was supposed to be here two days ago. She sent message ahead saying she was leaving, and she has not yet arrived."

"Didn't you come from Silverhaven?" asked Rick of Alexander.

"Yes, I did," answered Alexander, "It was a full day's ride to the mountains, and then another day's ride from there to here. That was straight through, with very few stops."

"Was she on your coach?" asked the woman.

"No," replied Alexander, "From your description, she shold have been about a day behind me," but she should still have been here by now, I think. There were no undo obstructions. Wait. There was a toll increase. I don't intend to insult you, but is it possible she did not have the funds to cover the toll?"

"That," replied the woman, "does not seem likely. While she didn't have much for funds, she should have had enought to cover the toll. I cannot pay you much, but would you be willing to look back over her path and make sure she was not waylaid? I can cover you tolls, both ways, your meals, and a couple nights in the hotel."

"Ma'am," replied Goth, "We will be happy to help find your daughter."

"Yes," agreed Alexander, "We will leave in the morning and travel all the way to Silverhaven and back. We will keep an eye out for her, and help you however we can. Hopefully, she will be here with you when we return."

"Thank you," said the woman while giving Alexander an odd look, "thank you for doing this. I will repay you however I can."

The next morning, the group gathered their belongings, and headed out. Goth, 'Cyn, and Alexander stopped by the stables and bought horses, so they too would have mounts. Rick brushed out the hair on his horse, while Bob attended to his mule. Afterwards, they left to talk with Sheriff Johnson.

"Hey kids," smiled the sheriff, "What can I do ya for?"

"Well," said Alexander, "I was surprised by the toll on the other side of the mountain. It has apparently gone up, and no one was notified."

"Well," replied the sheriff, "It happens about every two years or so - they usually send a messenger through, but since the pass just got cleared, maybe he got turned back - the pass has only been cleared for a week or so, now."

"Well," replied Alexander, "Is there some way to send a message on so other people don't get caught by this?"

"Already done," said the sheriff, "A coach driver came in here a couple of days ago, bitching to the high heavens about it. I've sent a messenger back towards the capitol to get the word out."

The group mounted up, and began their treck towards Silverhaven. The morning passed uneventfully, and by early afternoon they began their treck up to the southwestern pass. Towards evening, they approached the old copper mine where Galitus had become the naked paladin under the attacks of rust monsters. It was late afternoon, and the party had begun talking of making camp, when Rick and Bob's horses suddenly began do spook. Both managed to settle them as Bob began to notice a smell.

"Do you smell that?" asked Bob."

"Smell what," asked Rick, "did you fart?"

Suddenly, two roaring grizly bears came running from the scrub ahead, and approached the party. Rick tried to use his empathic skills to calm the bears with no success. Realizing that Rick's efforts were for naught, Bob egged his mule forward into battle!

Before he could move very far, the bears roared and rushed to attack Rick and Bob! Bob was immediately thrown to the ground with his mule, taking a nasty fall! Rick's horse was also knocked down, but Rack managed to land a little more gracefully, maintaining his feet.

Bob's bear killed Bob's mule, ripping its throat from its maimed body. Bob tried to play dead, hoping his bear would leave him alone, but it wasn't fooled. The bear swatted him like a cat playing with a toy, rolling Bob over towards the group, past Goth. Rick drew his sword and tried to hit his attacker, missing as the bear ducked to finish off his horse. The bear then pawed at Rick, nearly knocking him over, but Rick stood his ground.

"Dismount!" yelled Alexander to Goth and 'Cyn, firing magic missiles into Bob's bear. 'Cyn dropped to the ground and stepped back, using her horse as cover. Goth hopped down, readying his mace for combat, and debating whether or not to rush into battle with one of the bears. The decision was made for him, though, as Bob's bear rushed in and killed his mount. Goth retaliated, landing a heavy blow from with his mace. The bear retaliated, biting Goth's leg, making him cry out in pain.

Rick swung again at his oppnent, horribly wounding it in the shoulder. Bob stood up, narrowly avoiding another vicious attack from his bear. Alexander fired off a few more magic missiles into Bob's bear while 'Cyn's crossbow began to sing its deadly song.

Bob's bear was hit by the magic missiles and crossbow bolts. Enraged, the bear once again lunged at Bob, smacking him hard and crushing his arm with a vicious bite. Bob stepped back and then laid into the bear, finally drawing blood. 'Cyn continued to fire her crossbow while Alexander cast Leomund's Tiny hut. Rick again seriously wounded his foe, and tried to duck a retaliatory barrage of claws and teeth that sent him stumbling backwards with a nasty thump to the chest.

"Retreat to the dome!" called alexander as a purple dome suddenly appeared himself, 'Cyn, and their horses. Goth imediately lead his horse back into the protective sphere, while Rick and Bob retreated into the sphere, guarding against attacks from the bears.

The bears followed, following scents, since they could not see into the dome. As they approached, Bob and Goth both attacked Bob's bear, finally putting it down. Rick laid into his bear as a final magic missile finished it off.

With Rick and Bob horribly wounded, and nightfall closing in, the party decided to spend the night inside the glowing purple sphere. Goth and Rick used their magic to heal themselves and Bob. 'Cyn and Bob stood watch over the group through the uneventful night, happy to have the warm shelter in the cold, fifty-plus mile per hour winds that assailed the shelter in the might.

The party continued on at sunup, fully healed and rested. With them, they brought the bear's pelts. The day wore on, and as the afternoon began to wane, the toll plaza and keep came into view. As they began to round the last bend of the mountain pass, they were again set upon again by a large grizly bear.

As before, the large bear charged the party. Rick and Bob, at the fore, both dodeged the bear's attacks ad laid into the animal. Alexander unleashed a scorching ray and Goth attempted to pound the bear's head into jelly. 'Cyn begain to play the sweet music of death on her crossbow, while Bob and Rick pressed in and killed the bear with their swords.

"Well," said Bob, "That was easier than it looked!"

"Yeah," agreed Rick, "somehow we came out unscathed!"

Rick skinned the bear, and the the party the rest of the way to the gatehouse. Upon arrival, the gate guard eyed the blood-soaked warriors. "What happened to you?" he asked.

"They seem to have trouble keeping their blood in," replied Alexander, with a smile.

Bob rolled his eyes at Alexander's poor attempt at humor.

"Bears," replied Rick, "three of them."

"Aaahhh... Replied the guard. "And I see you have their pelts, there. So you'll be wanting to pass, then?"

"Please," replied Rick.

"That'll be ten gold tariff on your bear skins, then..." the guard began.

"Ten gold!" cried Rick, "But we just killed them!"

"And you'll want to be sellin' them, then, I suppose?" asked the guard.

"..." replied Rick.

"Then you'll have to pay the tariff," the guard continued.

"What if I don't have the gold?" asked Rick.

"Well, then," the guard replied, "we can confiscate your goods, or you can turn back. And if you get unruly 'bout either, mind ya, then we'll toss you in our hoosegow 'til you settle down. And then there'll be a fee to get out, too!"

"OK, here," Rick sighed, handing over ten gold.

"And then that'll be another twelve GP for the toll for you and your friends, there." said the guard.

"..." said Rick.

"Here ya go," said Alexander, paying the party's toll.

"Aye," said the guard, lifting the gate, "Thank you sirrah, you all may pass."

The party stepped across the threshold and stopped. "Sir?" asked alexander.

"Yes sirrah," replied the guard, "how kin I help ya?"

"I came through a couple days ago, going the other way," began Alexander.

"Well, sirrah," replied the guard, "I dinna know 'boot that. There are several of us working shifts here, and many pass this way."

"I see," said Alexander, "I don't suppose you saw a young lady pass this way?" Alexander then described the young woman to the guard.

"No sirrah," replied the guard, "I don't recall her. Hooever, ya might try't the barracks oover there, mebee one of t'others has seen her."

"Thank you," said Alex, "Rick and I will head on up there. Do you mind if the rest of our group sets up camp over that way a bit?"

"Well," replied the guard, "the be no law agin it, so go t'head.

"Thank you," replied Alexander, as he and Rick took the narrow path up to the barrack.

Alexander and Rick approached the two-story guard's barrack. The building was about one-hundred thirty feet wide. The first floor jussted out from the top floor to surround what appeared to be a small courtyard. The first floor wall dipped down a bit in the center to reveal a balcony over the courtyard. Alexander and Rick walked up to the door and knocked.

"Yes," said the answering guard, as he opened the door. "May I help you?"

"Yes," replied Alexander, "We're looking to see if you might be holding someone for whom we've been looking."

"Come on in," answered the guard, "we can go check the holding tank - I believe there's somebody up there, but I'm not sure."

"Thank you," replied Alexander and Rick in unison. They followed the guard tthorugh the lush courtyard, admiring the green grass in the otherwise arid landscape. The pathway was hand-set stone, with a drinking well on either side. Overhead, a small balcony jutted out, giving a commanding view down to the road.

"That's the Sergeant's room up there," said the guard, noticing that Rick was examining the balcony.

"Oh yeah?" asked Alexander

"Yeah," replied the guard, "He's top-notch. Not like the mistress."

"Come on in," interrupted the guard, leading Alexander and Rick into the main floor entryway. They were in a largish room, about one-hundred feet wide, and seventy feet deep. Dominating the far side of the room was a large staircase - the steep stairs were ten feet wide, and rose to a platform that was about five feet off the floor. There were staris leading off either side of this platform, going up into the second floor.

"Follow me," ordered the guard, bearing straight for the steps.

"Thos're some steep steps," said Alexander.

"Yeah," agreed the guard, "but it's mostly just this lower flight. Be careful and don't trip on your robes."

The small group ascended the steps to the left, only to be met by the Sergeant at the top of the stairs. "New prisoners?" he asked.

"No sir," replied the guard, "They're looking for somebody."

"Well come on, then," said the Sergeant, leading them down the short corridor to the holding cell. "This who you're looking for?"

Looking in, Rick saw a halfling. The same halfling that had stolen a gem, causing so much trouble with bounty hunters, not two months earlier. The startled hafling recognized Rick immediately.

"You!" cried the halfling, "please help me!"

"Rot!" replied Rick, "you've already gotten all from me you will get."

Alexander looked at Rick curiously. "You know him?" he asked.

"Remember I told you about the bounty hunters?" asked Rick.

"That's him?" asked an astonished Alexander.

"Yep." agreed Rick.

"Please help!" cried the halfling again.

Rick turned his back on the halfling and looked at the Sergeant.

"Not who you were looking for?" asked the Sergeant.

"Not at all," replied Rick, "he can rot for all I care."

"We're looking for a girl," interjected Alexander, "She was supposed to pass this way a few days ago, and her mother asked that we come look for her."

"I believe we have a girl over in one of the cells in the keep," replied the guard, "but I'm not sure if she's still there or not."

"Oh," replied Alexander, "There's more cells?"

"Well, replied the Sergeant, "those ones are for special prisoners, ones who are wanted, or create trouble, or insult the mistress. Well, to her face, anyway. Come on, we'll walk over and check it out - I've got nothing better to do right now." The Sergeant led them back downstairs, and out the front doors of the barrack.

The three walked over towards the keep proper. Outside could be seen two towers, both connected at the second story. They walked to the nearer tower, nearest the main entrance, and entered a door at the base. Rick immediately noticed a trap door in the ceiling above. Inside, a grizzled, old guard sat at a desk. "Whaddaya need?" He asked.

"You got a girl being held prisoner upstairs?" asked the Sergeant.

"Sure do," replied the old guard, "cute young thing."

"These folks're looking for a girl," said the Sergeant, "will amyone mind if we head up and see if she's the one for whom they're loking?"

"Naaah," replied the crusty, old guard, "Head on up. Mind the mistress, though, she's been going on about those stars again, and getting all agitated."

"Again?" sighed the Sergeant, rolling his eyes. "All right, we'll do our best to not upset her. Follow me, gents," he said, as he led Alexander and Rick out the door.

The small group walked around to the front of the keep. They walked in the front door to a large meeting hall. Centered in the hall was a table large enough to comfortably seat twelve people. Past the far end of the table was a throne on a raised dais. They turned immediately to their left and went up a wide staricase. The stairs ascended into a large hall. They entered the hall and doubled back, entering a door on the right just past the stairs.

The workroom they just entered was mostly sparce, but contained models of the solar system, sextants, sky charts, and some other related things.

"Wow, look at this room!" said Alexander.

"This is the mistresses, uh... workshop," replied the head guard.

"Is she an astonomer?" asked Alexander.

"No, but she dabbles heavily into astrology," replied the guard, "She seems to think some great event is near."

"How so?" asked Rick.

"No one knows," the guard replied, "Unlike the old master, she prefers to have no dealings with us guards or the army. She generally only speaks to the lieutenant."

The group passed through the workshop ans into a small, windowless passageway connecting the second floor to the tower. In the tower, there wee two barred cells. In one of them, they were sure they found the girl they were looking for, as she looked exactly like her mother.

"Moira?" asked Rick.

"Yes," answered the girl in consternation, "who are you?"

"Your motther sent us to look for you," replied Alexander.

"Oh, thank gods!" cried the girl, "you've got to get me out of here!"

"We're working on it," replied Rick, "why are you in this cell?"

"They raised the tolls," answered Moira, "And when I questioned it, the lieutenant hauled me up here to this cell. I was so surprised, I didn't know what to do!"

"Well," replied the head guard, "prisoners in these cells cannot be released without the permission of the mistress."

"Can we get an audience?" Asked Alexander.

"Well," replied the guard, "not for a day or two - she, her advisor, and the lieutenant travelled back to Silverhaven with the collected tolls a few days ago. They should be back in the next couple of days."

"Do you mind if we set camp across the road until she returns?" Asked Alexander.

"No problem," replied the Sergeant, "Just come get me when you see come in - I'll make the arrangements.

"Thank you," replied Rick.

With that, the Sergeant led Alexander and Rick back out of the keep. The two walked back down to the road, and joined the rest of the party in camp. Over dinner they related all they had learned during the day.

After the second day, a well-appointed coach came down the road from Silverhaven. The coach turned into the keep entrance and went around behind.

"Could you see who was in there?" asked Alexander.

"Nay," answered Goth.

"Me either," added Rick, "but I'll bet it was the mistress."

"Let's give them a bit," said Alexander, "to get cleaned up from their trip."

"About an hour or so?" asked Rick.

"Yeah," replied Alexander, "That sounds about right. Then we can head up and see if we can get an audience."

The group waited around an hour or so, and then headed up to the barracks. Alexander knocked politely upon reaching the door. One of the guardsmen opened the door.

"Yes?" asked the guardsman politley, "How can I help you?"

"Your Sergeant," said Alexander, "told us earlier that we should come to see the Lieutenant when he returned. It's about securing the release of one of your prisoners."

"Jussasec," answered the guard, "I'll go get the Lieutenant."

After a few minutes, the door opened again. The Lieutenant had features resembling those found in the Orient - dark skin, black hair, and slanted eyes. The scar on his cheek begat the experience that gained him his rank.

"How can I help you?" he asked.

"We've come to meet the mistress about releasing a prisoner," replied Alexander.

"Oh," replied the Lieutenant, "Give me a couple of minutes, and I'll escort you over to the keep proper."

The lieutenant closed returned to the barrack, closing the door behind him. He soon emerged wearing his full regimental colors. "Come on," he said as he started for the keep.

The Lieutenant held the door for the party as they entered the keep. As the group entered, they saw the mistress sitting on the throne. She was wearing a white and brown floor-ength gown. Her hair was done up into two buns, one on either side of her head. She was leaning to one side, in close conversation with her advisor. The advisor was an older man, also of what appeared to be oriental decent. He was aearig blue gowns with many folds. Both mistress and advisor took notice of the party as they entered.

"Yes, Wan?" the mistress asked.

"These people," began the Lieutenant, "have come to ask for the release of one of the prisoners."

The mistress motioned the group to come closer. The lieutenant ushered the party to the throne, and then moved discreetly back behind and to one side of them.

"Mistress..." said Alexander, with one eyebrow raised.

"Leah," replied the mistress.

'Cyn noticed that the mistress was wearing a necklace, mostly concelaed in her dress. It looked vaguely familiar to her, so she began to scrutinize it.

"Mistress Leah," began Alexander, "We have come to ask for the releas of Moira. She is a young girl that is being held in the East tower. Her mother has asked that we search for her, as she is several days late for her meeting in Terynio."

The mistress suddenly became agitated.

"I apologize, mistress," said Lieutenant Wan, "please forgive me. Had I known this was the prisoner of which they spoke, I would not have wasted their time or yours!"

"That girl," replied the mistress, "shall not be freed until after the full moon! That little brat needs to be shown her place, and I shall not free her until her pennance is paid!"

During the mistress' tirade, 'Cyn took notice and recognized the pendant. She began tugging on Alexander's robes in an attempt to get his attention. Alexander brushed her off and continued.

"Ma'am," replied Alexander, "We will be willing to pay extra for her early release, as her mother is very worried about her."

"No!" cried the mistress, "She will remain in her cell until the allotted time, and will be released no earlier! Now leave my presence!"

"Yes," insisted 'Cyn, much to Alexander's consternation, "We should be going now."

The remainder of the group looked at 'Cyn in puzzlement, but followed as the Lieutenant led them back out of the keep.

As the group headed out, both Rick and 'Cyn overheard a small snippet of conversation between the mistress and her advisor.

"It's OK, Obi," said the mistress, in low tones, "it won't matter after the full moon, anyway."

"Again, I apologize," said the Lieutenant, "If I had known, I would not have wasted your time. You may wait down at the campsite until after the girl is released, if you like."

"Did you see her necklace?" Asked 'Cyn.

"I assume it was a nice one?" replied Alexander, sarcastically.

"Oh, yeah," replied 'Cyn, "Remember what all those kobolds were wearing?" That got the rest of the group's attention. Everyone stopped walking and turned to llok at 'Cyn. "Yes," she continued, it looked like the sign of Tsothzhar Rho!"

"Are you sure?" asked Rick and Alexander simultaneously.

"Pretty sure," replied 'Cyn.

"Well crap," replied Rick, "That's no good. Did you hear her talking with her advisor?"

"Yeah, I did," said 'Cyn, "That it wouldn't matter after the full moon."

"Shit," posited Alexander, "I thought we killed that bastard already. I wonder if she knows? Regardless, there's no way we can leave her in there 'til the full moon, now. Her life is in danger. Seems these crazy rituals alway have to happen on full moons - I wonder why that is"

"Yeah," agreed Rick, "I think you're right. Anything involving Tsothzar can't be good."

The group continued back down towards their camp and began planning their next moves.

It was late afternoon. The party realized that they could not wait until after the full moon to get the girl.

"Rick," asked Alexander, "Do you still have one of those holy symbols?"

"Yeah," replied Rick, "makes a helluva back scratcher."

"Let's go up to the Barrack," continued Alexander, "and see if the Lieutenant is in cahoots or not. I figure it this way, either he doesn't know, and we can use that to our advantage, or he does, and we can try to convince him that we're involved with Tsothzar."

Rick and Alexander walked up to the Barrack, and politely knocked on the door.

"Yes," answered the guard who opened the door.

"Could we speak with you Lieutenant, please?" asked Alexander.

"Jussasec," he replied, closing the door behind him.

The Lieutenant soon came to the door. "What do you guys want now?" he asked.

"Well," began Alexander, "I was wondering if we might talk a bit."

"About what?" asked the Lieutenant.

"Well," said Alexander, "We happen to know something about Tsothzar Rho."

"What in the hells," said the Lieutenant, with a straight face, "are you talking about?"

"Well," continued Alexander, "We have had dealings with him and his servants, and might have some valuable information for your mistress." Alexander pulled the pendant from his pocket and began toying with it absent-mindedly

"The mistress' business is her own," replied the Lieutenant, The Lieutenant noticed the pendant, but said nothing about it.

"Well," replied Alexander, "Is there any way we can persuade you to take us to your mistress?"

"No," answered the Liutenant, "I am sorry to have previously wasted both your time and hers, and now I must face her scorn. Please leave now. Wait patiently by the road, or leave and come back. Any more trouble from you, though, and I will have to send you away or put you in a cell!"

"OK," replied Alexander, "We're not trying to start trouble, but just get the girl back with her mom. We'll be back in a day or so, after the full moon."

The Lieutenant shut the door, and Alexander and Rick returned back to the rest of the party.

"Well?" Asked 'Cyn as Alexander and Rick returned, "What's going on?"

"I can't tell for sure," replied Alexander, "He may or may not be in cahoots."

"Did you show him the pendant?" asked Bob.

"Yeah, he saw it, but didn't say anything," replied Rick, "he kept a pretty straight face. Basically, he looked at us like we were a couple of idiots before we about managed to piss him off."

"One thing's for sure," said Alexander, "We can't leave her there much longer. I think we need to stage a rescue operation - tonight, if possible."

"'Cyn," asked Alexander, "do you think you could sneak in after sundown?"

"I'm not going up against a keep full of guards by myself!" she replied.

"Maybe Rick could go with you?"

"I can go, but I can't sneak while wearing armor," replied Rick.

"You willing to go without armor to protect them?" Asked Alexander, "Besides 'Cyn, you're the quietest of us."

"I dunno, maybe against only one or two guards I'd be OK," replied Rick, "but any more than that's a stretch with no armor."

"Guys," began Bob.

"Wait a sec," replied Alexander, "'Cyn, are you willing to go try it with Rick as esort?"

"But..." began Bob, again.

"Yeah, but like Rick said," continued 'Cyn, I'm not really willing to go into any combat."

"Dammit, look!" cried Bob.

Alexander looked up just in time to see the Lieutenant enter the keep. Soon after, guards began streaming from the barrack to man various posts about the area. An extra went down to the guardhouse, and a pair went to each visible entrance of the keep. A couple more disappeared into the darkness behind the keep.

"Well," said Alexander, "that settles that."

"What settles what?" asked Goth.

"The Lieutenant," replied Alexander, "He's in cahoots with the mistress."

"Oh," replied Goth, "what do we do now?"

"I think sneaking in is out of the question, now" said 'Cyn.

"Maybe a reconaissance in force?" asked Alexander.

"All I know," said 'Cyn, "is that there's no way I can get in and out of that place, now - it's too well guarded."

"Maybe you could scale the side and go in through a window?" asked Alexander.

"Thank you," said 'Cyn, "for implying that I'm thin enough to make it through one of those windows. Did you even bother looking at them? Besides, who says our little girl in the tower can climb?"

"Guys," began Bob, again.

"What is it?" asked Rick.

"Look again," replied Bob.

The party turned to see the Sergeant stomping down the hill behind them. He looked as though he had been rudely awakened, and he wasn't happy about it. As he decended the hill towards their camp, the party rapidly began to disuss options."

"Crap," said 'Cyn, "Now what?"

"Be ready," said Alexander, "we don't know whose side he's on, yet"

"I'm betting only a couple know," said Rick.

"Yeah," replied Alexander, "I'll bet you're right. He didn't say anything about the girl before, so I'll bet he's not working with the mistress."

"Yeah," said Rick, "but do we tell him the truth? I mean seriously, if wetell him everything, he'll probably think we're a bunch of looneys. Next we'd be telling him portents of a comet with a bunch of alieans living on it."

"Hurry up, guys," said Bob, as the Sergeant made it to the road.

"Crap," replied alexander, "you're right. Crud, we'll figure it out."

"Y'all come come on out here," called the Sergeant angrily.

"Yes sir," said Alexander, cancelling his "Leomund's hut" spell.

"I don't know what you said to the el tee," said the Sergeant, "but I just got an earful about you guys being a bunch of dangerous kooks. I don't like being woke up from dreams about bikini-clad lasses, and neither do my men. I don't know why we're posted on double watch, but I'm here to tall ya that we're not happy about it. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave!"

"But," began Alexander, "we can explain!"

"but nothing," replied the Sergeant, "get packing!"

"We're already mostly packed," said Alexander, "but would you please listen?"

With that, Alexander began babbling on, telling the Sergeant about his conversation with the Lieutenant. Alexander then went on to tell the Sergeant of the party's fears for the girl. The party said nothing of Tsothzar Rho, other than there seemed to be a wide-spread domsday cult that held him up in some regard.

The Sergeant looked at the group in disbelief. "y'all tella tall tale, there," said the Sergeant. "I can see from your faces that you really believe what you say, but I've still got to run you off."

"But!" Cried Alexander.

"But," replied the Sergeant, "here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna bring you up to the tower. I'll show you that the girl's in no danger, and then you'll be on yer way."

"Why would you do that?" asked Rick.

"Because," said the Sergeant, "I don't want you getting any heroic ideas and doin' something stupid that we'll all regret, later."

"Won't you get in trouble for that?" asked Rick.

"meh," replied the Sergeant, "better to use some personal initiative now to diffuse a situation. Besides, I don't like the Lieutenant, anyways."

With that, the Sergeant led the group up to the keep's Eastern tower. "Don't get any ideas," said the Sergeant, " you're under cover of several very good bowmen. Wait here, outside." He looked to the two guards and said, "keep a close eye on our guests, here."

"Yes sir!" they replied.

After what a few eternal minutes, the Sergeant came back out. "That's strange," he said, with a puzzled look on his face.

"What's that?" asked Alexander.

"They've taken her from her cell. The jailer says they came and got her just a little bit ago. Woke him up, he was non too pleased about it. He said they were being unusually nice to the girl, and escorted her into the kepp, proper."

"Well," replied Alexander, "being nice to her is certainly a change over the way your mistress spoke of her earlier today."

"Yes," agreed the Sergeant, "Come on. We need to put this to bed."

The Sergeant escrted the group through the main door into the keep. The group hurried up the stairs to see if the girl was upstairs in the library. On the way up, 'Cyn noticed a small, velvet bag lying on the stairs. She feigned tripping and snatched up the bag, for it looked remarkably similar to one the girl's mom had been carrying.

As the party reached the library, 'Cyn told Alexander of her find.

"Alexander," whispered 'Cyn.

"What is it?"

"I found this bag. It looks like the one the girl's mom had back in Terynio."

Alexander cast a detect magic spell. "The bag's magic. Heavy in the school of evocation. Crap, that's the one that most traps come from! Don't open it!"

"They're not up here," said the Sergeant, "I have no idea where to look for them."

"I found this bag on the stairs," said 'Cyn, "showing the bag to the Sergeant. It looks alot like one her mom had back in Terynio. Maybe she dropped it there?"

"Very well," replied the Sergeant, "let's head back down, then."

The company retreated back down to the main hall. As they walked around the banquet table, the Sergeant thought he heard voices. "Come here," he called to the party, "do you hear that?"

Rick walked up beside the Sergeant. "Yeah, I hear it," he said, "voices. it sounds as though they're coming from the throne!"

The group moved closer to the throne. "Did you hear that?" asked the Sergeant..

"Of course I did," replied Rick, how could I not?"

"What did you hear?" asked the Sergeant.

"You surely heard it as well," replied Rick, "why do you ask?"

"Because I want to verify what I thought I heard," replied the Sergeant, "without giving you a preconceived idea."

"Well," said Rick, "I suppose that makes sense. I heard what sounded like a female crying. I also heard what I thought to be a female's voice - it was saying something about 'not to worry, you're very important to us, we'll take cre of you, and so on."

"Yeah," replied the Sergeant, "I wonder about the sudden change of heart."

"Does the keep have a basement or cellar?" asked Alexander.

"Not that I know of," replied the Sergeant.

"Search the dias," said Alexander to 'Cyn, "maybe it moves?"

'Cyn performed a thorough search of the throne and Dias. "I don't see any evidense that it moves or opens," said 'Cyn, "but here's where the sounds are coming from." 'Cyn pointed to a small hole under the throne. The hole ws about six inches in diameter. Holding a torch close to the hole, the party could see that it took a sharp bend downward a couple of feet back.

Bob quickly rolled up some cloth and stuffed it into the hole.

"What are you doing?" asked Alexander.

Bob looked at Alexander as if he were stupid. "Plugging the hole, what's it look like I'm doing?"

"I see that," replied Alexander, "but why?"

"In case there's vampire's," Bob replied, "I don't want them getting way."

Alexander shook his head. "If she's a vampire, we've may as well just slit our own throats, now!"

"Besides," said Rick, "we saw her out in direct sunlight yesterday."

"Yeah," replied Bob sheepishly, "I suppose you're both right."

To the East, a heavy curtain hung across the hall, blocking the view beyond. What's through those curtains?" asked Alexander.

"The kitchen," replied the Sergeant.

"If they came down here," asked Alexander, "as seems to be indicated by the bag, is there any other way they could have gone?"

"Jussasec," replied the Sergeant. He hurried out the back door. In about a minute, he came back in. "No, the guards at the back never saw them go out."

Alexander led the way back into the kitchen. The place was nearly spotless, although there appeared to be some utensils knocked down onto the floor towards the front of the keep. To the West was a doorway. "What's through the door?" aske Alexander.

"The servant's quarters," replied the Sergeant.

"Rick," asked Alexander, "are you able to track in here?"

"Actually," replied Rick, "I was able to tell that someone passed through, but the whole South-side of the kitchen is spotless. No tracks at all. It's strange, everything suddenly disappears.

"Do you see nything else?" asked Alexander.

Turning, Rick said "Actually, yes." Pointing to the back wall of the keep, he said "There's a secret door right there."

"Yay elf-eyes," muttered Alexander, "Can you open it?"

"Sure," said Rick, "but I want 'Cyn to check it for traps, first."

"That's fair, I suppose," replied Aexander. "'Cyn?"

'Cyn checked the secret door for traps and found none. She quickly opened the door and made way for the fighters to lead her in. The door ihd a narrow hallway. The party filed in and followed the hallway to a study at the base of another tower. A staircase led upwards.

"Rick?" asked Alexander.

"No warm trail that I can tell," said Rick.

The company returned to the kitchen and began to eyeball the utensils around the southern Island. Alexander walked ver to the island and began pushing on it to see if it would move. About that time, the cook came into the room from the servant's quarters.

"What in the hells are you doin' in my kitchen?" she yelled.

"Uh.." began Alexander.

I just cleaned this place," interrupted the woman, " and here you are making a mess of my kitchen! Get out!"

"But..." stammered Alexander.

"Out!" screamed the woman, "get out!"

"Woman!" yelled Alexander, "this is an emergency! What's behind that door?"

"That's me pantry," said the woman, taken aback at being challenged in her own kitchen. "And don't you go messing it all up, too!"

Alexander opened the door. "Rick, do oyu see anything?"

"It's awfully clean, ..." replied Rick.

"Are you calling my kitchen dirty?" screamed the woman.

"No, ma'am!" replied Rick, "It's too clean! There's not a speck of dust anywhere. But there is a trapdoor in the floor."

"What!?" cried the Sergeant and the Cook in unison, "that can't be!"

"I thought you said there's no basement," said Alexander.

"There's not," replied the Sergeant, "not that I know of, anyway."

"Me neither," exclaimed the woman.

Rick lifted the concealed trapdoor. A ladder led downwards into the darkness.

"Looks like we're going this way," said Bob.

"Yep," agreed Alexander, "let's get moving!"

The ladder-well looked to be of fairly new construction. The group descended fifteen or so feet onto a small landing. Looking Northwards, a steep flight of stairs descended another forty or fifty feet into the depths. "This stonework is not that old," sad Bob, "maybe only two or so years."

"How long's the mistress been here?" asked Alexander.

"About two and a half years," replied the Sergeant.

"Well, that seems to coincide pretty well," said Rick.

"Let's press on," said Alexander.

The company descended the long, narrow flight of stairs. Below could be seen flickering lights, as from lit torches. The stairs ended at a small landing, and then a hallway turned abruptly to the right. The group carefully followed the passage Eastward. The short hallway had two recesses on either side, and then took a sharp turn towards the North. The mistress' voice could be heard from down the hallway.

The group readied weapons and pressed forward. Bob, Rick, and Alexander rounded the corner to see the mistress standing behind an altar dedicated to Tsothzar Rho. Four pillars supported the ceiling. The mistress was turned partially away from the altar and was talking to someone unseen. "Aah! Your rescuers finally made it!" Mistress Leah cried. She cast a quick spell and yelled for help "Help me Obi, Wan!" (Author's note: Sorry, I just couldn't resist)

The advisor, Obi, stepped from behind the post on the left. Lieutenant Wan stepped from behind the post on the right. Alexander rushed into the room, running to Leah's side. Obi attempted to backstab him as he ran past, but missed horribly. Wan drew his sword and tossed into the air a small grey stone that began orbiting about his body.

Rick steped into the room to the right. Bob stepped in to the left. 'Cyn and Goth moved around the hallway behind, so they could see into the room. The mistress cast an "Ice Storm" their way, and huge pieces of hail materialized from nowhere, pounding the party horribly.

Rick rushed forward to engage Wan, while Bob rushed in to meet Obi. Wan swung wildly, narrowly missing Rick, while Obi managed to stab Bob soundly. Alexander cast a magic missile, striking Goth and Rick.

"Ow!" cried Rick, "What the hells?"

Alexander had fallen under Mitress Leah's thrall - he was no longer on the home team! Goth staggered up from a pile of snow while 'Cyn fired her crossbow at Obi, hitting the post instead. Rick laid into Wan, battering his ribs.

Obi pulled a small, loaded crossbow from inside his robes, and fired it towards Goth. The bolt missed, but created a screaming sound so loud and shrill that all near its path fell back stunned! Alexander fired another set of magic missiles into Goth and Rick. Suddenly, the girl, Moira, stepped from the recess behind and to the side of the altar. Before the party's eyes, she turned into a small dragon! She unleashed a devestating set of attacks on the mistress, causing her to stumble back!

Obi and Wan each attacked their opponents, hitting them hard! Bob and Rick, newly injured, suddenly roused from their stupoured state, and attacked with renewed vigor! Bob managed to hit Obi twice, but Obi still managed to load another bolt into his crossbow. Rick's attack pushed Wan back several feet, pinning him against the wall. The Sergeant stumbled around the corner, mouth agape at the ensuing battle, as 'Cyn shot the mistress in the shoulder.

Moira pushed past Alexander, and continued to lay into the mistress. Her combination attacks of two claws and a bite were devastating! Wan whiffed a shot at Rick, who retaliated with a devastating blow to the spleen! Goth ran to help Bob, and meted out a resounding blow with his heavy mace to Obi's chest. Face ashen, Obi staggered backwards and let off another screaming bolt, staggering the party again! Alexander moved to flank Moira, while the mistress cut her deeply with a sacrificial dagger. 'Cyn fired again, missing wide.

Moira unleashed another flurry of attacks against the mistress. She also used one of her small wings to whack Alexander soundly. Goth was staggered, but still managed to apply to Obi a killing blow. As Obi fell, Bob rushed towards the mistress, leaping the altar to engage her. He swung his sword mightily at her, but hit nothing. His sword passed through her with no apparent effect! She had begun to blink! Wan landed a heavy blow to a stunned Rick's gut, pushing him back. Mistress Leah, realizing her peril, began maneuvering away from Moira. Leah tried to cast another spell, but her blinking interfered, causing it to fail. The blinking protected her, however, as 'Cyn's bolt flew harmlessly through Leah's eye.

Bob attacked Leah again, this time her blink did not help her, and he spilled a fair amount of her blood. Leah cast an invisibility spell and disappeared from sight! Leah maneuvered behind Rick, who had regained his senses. Rick laid into Wan one last time, ending his mortal existence. Leah cast a burning hands into Rick, hurting him badly, but dispelling her invisibility spell. Goth charged at her, but she was still blinking but his attack hurt her anyway, driving her back towards the hallway.

Rick turned away from Wan's body and began advancing on the mistress. He swung hard, driving his sword between her ribs and driving her back. 'Cyn attempted to backstab Leah, but the blinking protected the mistress from what should have been a devastating attack. Badly hurt and desparate, Leah backed into the hallway as she prepared a fireball that would surely kill most, if not all, of the party members. As she prepared to cast, the badly wounded sergeant stabbed her in the back, knocking her unconcious and interrupting her spell.

As mistress Leah fell, Alexander began to look around and blink - as if he had no idea where he was. "What the?" he asked.

"I'll be asking that question!" said Rick, "Why the hell did you zap us?"

"I dunno," answered Alexander, "I was under some sort of charm!"

"Don't kill her," grunted a pained sergeant.

"Why not?" asked Bob.

"There will be a trial," answered the sergeant.

"Oh," answered Bob.

Rick walked over and bound the mistress' wounds. "I'll leave her unconcious," he said, "I don't know any other way to keep her from casting spells."

"Good idea," said Alexander, as he began poking around the mess.

"Here!" cried 'Cyn, holding the bag out in front of her, "Here's your bag. I don't want to hurt you, I'm just trying to give it back!"

Moira looked at 'Cyn as though she were crazy. She then snatched the bag from 'Cyn's hand. Moira jumped ack to the alcove, and flew upwards with a rush.

Alexander looked into the alcove to see where she just went. "This is a well," he said, "there's water below, and I can see sky above!"

"Well," replied Rick, "it's all over for now, let's get this mess cleaned up."

Rick healed Bob and himself. Goth headed over to the Sergeant, to heal his wounds. As the sergeant was being healed, Rick and Alexander cast "detect magic," and began collecting up magic items. There were quite a few, so they only made off with what they could.

The healed Sergeant stood up. "Pick up the bodies and the bitch, and follow me."

The party immediately complied, and scooped up the Obi, Wan, and Leah. The Sergeant led them upstairs to theholding cells, clearing the way ahead, to ensure there was no trouble. "Put the bodies in the cells," he said, "I'll be back in a bit." He then descended through the trap door in the floor. He could be heard talking with the jailer, but no one could make out what was being said. In the meantime, Rick, Bob, and Alexander removed as many magic items as they could from the three enemies. They composed themsleves as they hear The Sergeant ascending the ladder to the trapdoor.

"You'll be staying here a bit," he said.

"..." said Goth.

"Are we under arrest?" asked Alexander.

"No," replied The Sergeant, "I want to keep you all out of sight for a bit. I've ordered the jailer to go prepare the royal coach for a trip to Silverhaven. We'll leave around midnight. Rest up as much as you can before then."

"Can I hang out in the library?" asked Alexander.

"Sure," replied The Sergeant, "I don't see why not. Don't damage any of those books, though."

"I'll be sure," replied Alexander.

With that, The Sergeant descended back down through the trap door, closing it behind him.